Eustachian tube dysfunction causes problems such as hearing loss.Changes in altitude, air pressure or diseases such as cold are the main cause. It does not require special medical treatment and usually resolves after a while. If the symptoms last more than 2 weeks, it is better to contact your doctor.
What is Eustachian tube dysfunction?
The Eustachian tube is a canal that connects the middle ear to an area called the nasopharynx. The nasopharynx is located behind the nasal passage, which extends down into the throat. This tube is about 30 to 40 mm and is made of bone and cartilage. The Eustachian tube has 3 basic functions:
- It ventilates the middle ear so that its pressure is equal to the ambient pressure
- It protects the middle ear from nasopharyngeal secretions reflux.
- It drains the secretions of the middle ear into the nasopharynx.
Eustachian tube disorder is related to its valve. This valve is closed most of the time and only opens when you are eating, swallowing, sneezing and yawning. It prevents the increase of air pressure and fluid inside the ear.
Sometimes the eustachian tube becomes blocked due to a disease called eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD). In this case, you may not hear the sounds well or you may have a feeling of fullness in your ears.
You also get this feeling when you are driving through mountains or flying in an airplane. In these situations, you try to solve your problem by yawning.This removes the extra pressure on the middle ear.
What are the common symptoms of Eustachian tube dysfunction?
Symptoms of eustachian tube dysfunction can last from a few hours to a few days. It depends on the cause. For example, if you have a cold, you will probably get rid of it within a week.
- muffled or dull hearing that may affect one or both ears.
- You have a feeling of fullness in your ears
- Ear pain which usually comes and goes.It is caused by the stretching of the eardrum.
- You may not have balance when standing.
- You have tinnitus, which is often described as ringing or buzzing in the ears.
- You may feel dizzy
Dermankadeh cooperates with experienced doctors such as otorhinolaryngologist, neurologists, pediatrics, cardiologist, etc. in Tehran (Iran). You can book an online consultation either on the website or mobile app of Darmankade.
What is the cause of Eustachian tube dysfunction?
Changes in air pressure and altitude can cause ETD. You may experience it suddenly, for example, when you get on an elevator. This is a mild type of dysfunction that resolves after a few minutes or hours when the eustachian tube valve opens.
But sometimes factors such as tissue inflammation cause the narrow passage of the Eustachian tube to be seriously blocked, so fluid builds up.
The most common causes of tissue inflammation
- cold or flu which are diseases of the upper respiratory tract. They block the nose and increase thick mucus.
- Sinus infection that can be caused by viral or bacterial growth.
- seasonal allergic rhinitis or seasonal allergies that you get at certain times such as spring. Sneezing, watery and itchy eyes and runny or stuffy nose are the most common symptoms.
Diagnosis of Eustachian tube dysfunction
There is no need to do a special test to diagnose this disease. The doctor diagnoses it by examining your symptoms and history.
If the symptoms have lasted for more than 6 weeks and the patient’s hearing has decreased, the doctor prescribes the following tests:
- Tympanometry test that measures the movement of the eardrum. The doctor uses this test to diagnose hearing loss.
- An audiogram which is a graph that shows the result of a hearing test. It measures hearing ability across a range of frequencies in each ear independently.
To get an online appointment from an otolaryngologist in Tehran (Iran), please visit Dermankade’s website. We believe that all Iranians should have the ability to connect with an experienced doctor online.This group covers more than 50 medical specialties in Tehran and some other cities such as Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad, Karaj and Tabriz in Iran.
Treatment for Eustachian tube dysfunction?
Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the disease. you often do not need particular medical treatment and the symptoms will disappear after a short time.
- If the cause of the blockage is allergies, taking drugs such as antihistamines can help you. They are Over-the-counter medicine. If you don’t get relief from antihistamines, stop taking them and make an appointment with your doctor. Taking too much of these drugs can make the condition worse.
- Acetaminophen or ibuprofen are drugs that can relieve pain.
- If the cause of the blockage is a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.
Eustachian tube dysfunction treatment at home
You can use home remedies to treat a mild blockage:
- Valsalva maneuver which is a type of breathing method.Take the following steps:
- lie on your back or Sit down.
- Inhale and hold it.
- Pinch your nose closed.
- Close your mouth
- Push the breath out against the closed mouth and nose. Hold it for 15 to 20 seconds
- Open your mouth and nose and then breathe out.
If you have heart disease, you need to be careful with the Valsalva maneuver.
- Chew gum
- Yawn
- Swallow
Doctors recommend Eustachian tube obstruction surgery to patients who have not responded to common and primary treatments.
If you want to know whether you need eustachian tube obstruction surgery or not, consult an otolaryngologist at the.
Risk factors
These factors increase the risk of ETD:
- Young Age: The eustachian tube in children is not developed enough so they tend to be more susceptible to ETD.
- Smoking
- Obesity
Some sports also increase the risk of this disease:
- rock climbing
- hiking at high altitudes
- scuba diving
- skiing or snowboarding
How to get an online appointment from an otolaryngologist?
You can easily schedule your medical appointment at Darmankade. It provides clinical services through an online platform. We also offer online counseling and searching for appropriate healthcare professionals in Tehran, Iran.
At Darmankade, we aim to provide affordable and easily accessible virtual health care for Iranian families with the help of online doctors.