How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Meds?

A person that is jogging 

Blood pressure is the process by which blood flows in the body. This function has a normal rate which is necessary for organs to function well. Anything higher or lower than this rate may cause damage to parts of the body. For example, high blood pressure may lead to a heart attack, and low blood pressure may cause dizziness and dehydration. Both of these conditions should be solved to let the body function normally. You may wonder if it’s possible to lower your blood pressure without meds. Continue reading this post to learn more about it.

10 ways to lower high blood pressure at home

First of all, we need to mention that you should not always obey self-medication, especially if you have high blood pressure, which might lead to a dangerous condition. Therefore, we recommend you visit a cardiologist to ensure your condition is not risky. On the other hand, you should always take care of the following rules, which can help you lower your blood pressure without meds.

  1. Lose weight

Obesity is one of the main reasons that blood pressure increases. That’s why it’s vital to follow a weight-loss diet. Generally, blood pressure reduces by about 1 mm Hg (millimeter of mercury) with each kilogram of weight lost. Therefore, you can estimate your blood pressure when you weigh yourself. You can also measure your waistline to understand how risky your high blood pressure is. Because too much fat around the waist may increase the high blood pressure risks. For example, if you are a man and your waistline is higher than 102 cm, and if you are a woman with a waist measurement greater than 89 cm, you may be at risk.

  1. Exercise regularly

Not only can exercise help you lose weight, but also can help the heart pump stronger and blood flows efficiently through the body. You don’t need to do any hard workout, even regular daily walking, running, cycling, or swimming can have a great impact on your blood pressure. Therefore, you can start by daily walking, and then go to the gym to follow more active moves.

  1. Eat a healthy diet

Eating healthy food is something that all people should follow. The main thing is that a healthy diet can reduce the risk of many diseases. You can have a healthier life if you eat healthy food. Therefore, don’t think a healthy diet is only for lowering blood pressure. It’s important for all your body.

To have a healthy diet you should reduce salt intake, eat more potassium-rich foods, and add more food and vegetables to your diet.

  1. Quit smoking

There are many reasons that a person should stop smoking. One of them is the risk of heart attack that smoking may increase. You should know that blood pressure may go up with every puff of cigarette smoke. Thus, quit smoking today to have a better life tomorrow.

a person that is smoking 

  1. Reduce alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure, and if you don’t reduce alcohol drinking, you may face the risk of several chronic health conditions, especially the ones that relate to the heart. Therefore, moderate your alcohol intake, which is one drink per day for women and a maximum of two drinks for men. More than that may increase the risks of different health conditions.

  1. Have enough sleep

Every person should at least have six hours of sleep. If you don’t have enough sleep for several weeks, you may face hypertension, which is abnormally high blood pressure. Conditions such as stress or restless leg syndrome might disrupt your sleep. First of all, don’t start taking sleeping pills without a prescription, instead, visit a healthcare provider and follow whatever doctors say.

  1. Reduce stress

As mentioned in the previous part, stress may cause different issues, such as sleeplessness, which is one of the things that leads to high blood pressure. Therefore, take care of your mental health and reduce stress with the following tips:

  • Don’t overthink your problems. Try to solve one thing at a moment. You can’t change your life in one day.
  • Dedicate a time for relaxation. It’s important to forget everything in the world for few hours and relax without thinking about anything.
  • Find your stress trigger. For example, if it’s work, try to handle it. If it’s traffic, try to be out when the traffic is not high. Do anything to control your stress.
  • Do workout. Remember that exercise can help you control and overcome your stress too.
  • Try meditation and listen to soothing music.


  1. Reduce coffee intake

Drinking too much coffee may prevent you from sleeping well at night and increase your stress. As you see, it’s like a domino! One thing leads to other. Therefore, it’s better to reduce coffee intake to avoid these conditions.

  1. Monitor your blood pressure from time to time

It’s essential to know if your new lifestyle is helping you to reduce your blood pressure. You can buy a home blood pressure monitor to check your blood pressure from time to time. You can ask your healthcare provider how often you need to check your blood pressure, it might be daily, weekly, or even monthly. That depends on how well you can control it. If you didn’t see any change in your blood pressure rate, it’s recommended to visit a doctor to prescribe medications.

How to find a cardiologist in your area?

Finding the right doctor to visit was difficult in past years. But now it’s getting easier each day because more and more apps and websites are providing people with a list of physicians in different specialties in each region. We can mention the Darmankadeh website that is doing the same in Iran. For example, if you want to find a dermatologist in your city, you only need to select your city and this specialty. Then you will see a list of dermatologists in your area with their rates, address, and online appointment.