Petroleum Product

Petroleum Product

Crude oil is one of the most important materials in the world.

They produced a variety of petroleum products in the refinery, which are very functional.

Iran’s economic has depended on crude oil for more than 120 years.

It has ups and downs that pose many challenges in the economy.

Today, oil products have multiplied its value.

There are several oil refineries in Iran to produce various products through crude oil.

If you want to learn more about a variety of petroleum products, you should stay with us until the end of the article.

People produce different types of petroleum products through crude oil composition and customer order, including mazut and petrol.

The other is chemicals that are effective in the processing of plastics and other widely used materials.

Sulfur is also produce as an oil product because petrol has a few percent of sulfur. There is also hydrogen, carbon and freckle in the oil products group.

Petroleum Refining Processes

These Products include diesel, LPGs, mazuts, petrol, oil lamp, lubricants, paraffin, bitumen.


This material is one of the light oil products. They produce it through wet gases or by refining and cutting crude oil in two forms: aircraft fuel and car fuel.

Aircraft Fuel

Individuals measure the octane rating of  this type of petrol with certain tools in order to determine the mildness of the gasoline fuel inside the engine.

Car Fuel

It has various types with different characteristics.

One of the most important features of this type of petrol is the burning car which is determined by the octane number.

Natural Wax

It is one of the most important petroleum products that has a commercial role.


It is made of paraffin and can be dissolved inside petrol, oil and bituminous solutions.


Naturally, People get gas out of the ground along with crude oil or they get it from the decomposition of oil components.

It  has different types, such as dry gas, liquefied petroleum gas, which are different in terms of pressure and normal temperature.

Dry Gas

It is the same form of gas at normal temperatures and pressures.

liquefied Petroleum Gas

It is wet gas that has precious petrol and people separate them at the time of refinement.

Gas Application

Gas applications include chemical fertilizers, plastics, anesthetics as well as synthetic fibers.

Because  people know dry gas as  ready fuel, so it catches fire without any soot or gray compared with other fuels.

Natural Tar

A group of crude oil with high sulfur and more viscosity and density has called natural tar that  exists  in shallow depths of the earth and inside the sands of the tar.

Lubricating oil

They use it in machinery and  also all the equipment that needs to lubricants such as engine oil, grease, paraffin wax.

The raw material in the production of these lubricants is oil.


Bitumen is a black and pasty material that people produce it  in the oil refinery by crude oil distillation and air blowing; therefore , they also know it as distilled bitumen or oil bitumen.

One of the bitumen samples produced is VG 30 bitumen which has been of refinery bitumen grade.

people produce it  from the aeration in vacuum bottom distillation which is divided by viscosity.

VG 30 Bitumen Application

The applications of bitumen VG30 include Construction of heavy-duty pavements, road manufacturing industries, insulation, building construction as well as production of liquid bitumen.


Bitumen VG 30 is ideal in temperate climate.

They know it  as a bitumen exported that can replace bitumen 6070.

Individuals produce  bitumen 60/70 in oil refinery and use it a lot in construction and road construction.

They export it to China, India, Armenia, etc.

Petroleum coke

It’s one of the by-products of the oil refinery, which is solid and consists of carbon, sulfur and heavy metals such as Nickel and Vanadium.

Liquid Fuels

People call this type of oil diesel or petrodiesel so that there is no ambiguity between the oil-derived and other species.

Diesel has a small amount of sulfur which is used for diesel engine fuels  and thermal installations.

The production method of this material is mazut oil distillation.

There are  other  ways to process diesel fuel without using oil such as biodiesel, biomass to liquid (BTL) and gas to liquids ( GTL).

Paraffin oil(kerosene)

It is in liquid form that they produce it from petroleum compounds, burning materials as well as  flammable hydrocarbons.

The applications of paraffin oil include:

  • Jet fuel and some rockets
  • Engine fuel for small fishing vessels
  • Heating fuel and fireworks

Fuel Oil/Mazut

It’s one of the petroleum hydrocarbons that  they produce it in the refining stages of crude oil after ether, petrol as well as kerosene.

Mazut’s color is black so it’s called black oil. It is the cheapest burning material for baths, bakery ovens, diesel engines and some power plants.

The price of petroleum products varies according to exports and global stock market trading.



But National  Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC) determine the price of these consumables.