Bangkok is an amazing city full of culture, food, and friendly people. As an avid traveler, I always make sure I can stay connected when visiting a new place. An eSIM is the perfect way to get affordable data coverage so you can share your adventures on social media or call an Uber. I’ve tested out various eSIM providers and want to share my tips on finding the best eSIM for Bangkok.

How eSIMs Make Traveling Easier

An eSIM, or electronic SIM card, works just like a physical SIM card but is downloaded and installed digitally on your phone. eSIMs offer a few key benefits:

  • No Need to Buy Local SIM Cards: Order online before your trip instead of hunting shops down.
  • Easy Switching: Quickly swap plans or top up data without swapping cards.
  • Multi-SIM Functionality: Use your existing carrier alongside a local data plan.

Choosing an eSIM simplifies getting online abroad. You’ll avoid language barriers, save time and effort, plus get better data rates than roaming. As more carriers launch eSIM support, it’s the ideal choice for frequent travelers.

What to Look for in a Bangkok eSIM

With various eSIM providers available, you’ll want to compare a few key factors to find the best value:

  • Data Amount: Do you need unlimited data or is a few GB enough?
  • Validity: Make sure the plan lasts the duration of your trip.
  • Network: Check coverage for your destinations on the included networks.
  • Speed: LTE speeds suffice for social media and web browsing.
  • Pricing: Calculate total cost and price per GB.
  • Reviews: See what other travelers’ experience has been.

I always read recent reviews to see if customers report issues with speed, connectivity, or the app used to manage the plan. This gives me confidence my eSIM will work as advertised.

Top eSIM Providers for Bangkok

Buy eSIM for Travel

I’ve tested various eSIM providers in Bangkok across multiple trips. My overall favorites are Airalo and Nomad, but Ubigi is another valid option with extensive network coverage.


Airalo is my top pick after excellent experiences using their Bangkok eSIM. Their app makes it easy to install and manage plans. And their package pricing is very reasonable for the data amounts.

Some highlights:

  • Data Speeds: Airalo uses DTAC’s 4G/LTE network so speeds are great.
  • Coverage: Solid connections throughout Bangkok.
  • Pricing: Flexible packages tailored for travel lengths like $35 for 30GB over 30 days.

While they don’t offer unlimited data, 30GB goes a long way. If you’ll use 100GB+, their Asialink packages give data across Thailand and 12 other Asian countries.


If you need unlimited high-speed data, Nomad is a great choice too. Pricing is a bit higher than fixed data plans but still affordable compared to roaming rates.

Nomad advantages include:

  • Unlimited Data: Don’t stress about hitting data caps while uploading pics.
  • Asia Region Plans: Multi-country options available across Southeast Asia.
  • 30-day Packages: Validity matches standard vacation lengths.

Thailand prepaid options range from $35 for 3GB to $75 for unlimited 4G. I used around 20GB in my testing with excellent performance throughout Bangkok on AIS’s network.


Newer eSIM company Ubigi offers extensive global coverage across 600+ networks and 160+ countries. They don’t have fixed packages though, so you pay per MB used which can add up quickly.

Some pros for Ubigi:

  • Huge Network Coverage: Great if traveling to remote areas domestically or crossing into neighboring countries.
  • Per MB Billing: Only pay for exact data consumption which aids budgeting.
  • Int’l Customer Assistance: Phone, chat and email support + local offices worldwide.

One precaution is their talk & text function is technically in beta stage. But their eSIM app makes it convenient to monitor spend in real-time or set cutoff limits to avoid surprises.

Activating Your Bangkok eSIM

Once you’ve selected a top-rated Bangkok eSIM provider, it only takes a few minutes to get connected:

  1. Confirm eSIM Compatibility: Your device must support eSIM functionality, such as newer iPhones and Samsung Galaxy models.
  2. Download eSIM App: Add app from your chosen provider such as Airalo or Nomad.
  3. Purchase Plan & Activate: Select perfect package for your needs, then activate eSIM with QR scan.
  4. Connect on Arrival: Turn on eSIM data when landing in Bangkok and start using like a local SIM!

Some providers offer eSIM compatible wearables too like smartwatches and tablets. So you can purchase an additional plan to share data access with travel companions wirelessly.

Using Bangkok eSIM for Calls & Texts

International roaming rates for calls and texts can be astronomical. An eSIM keeps pricing low by assigning you a virtual local number.

To text or call, I simply use apps like WhatsApp or Skype over data. For traditional talk & text, you’ll want to choose an eSIM service like Airalo or Nomad providing a local number.

Then calls and SMS work seamlessly between your Bangkok eSIM number paired with your phone’s native dialer and messaging apps. I tested making voice calls on both Airalo and Nomad without any connection drops or quality issues.

This flexibility is perfect when you need to provide a local number to confirm hotel bookings, tour reservations or other travel platforms.

Travel All Around Thailand with eSIM

Bangkok is just the start of adventures across Thailand full of spectacular beaches, mountain hikes through jungles teeming with wildlife, and remote villages with colorful outdoor markets.

The great benefit of traveling with eSIM technology is avoiding roaming charges as you journey anywhere within the country. Switching physical SIM cards upon arrival in a new city is a thing of the past.

I always go with Airalo first because of their outstanding coverage across Thailand provided by partner networks like DTAC and AIS. Plus it only takes seconds to top-up your plan through their app if needing more data during longer vacations.

Nomad’s unlimited plans are also a risk-free option ensuring constant connectivity throughout Thailand without worrying about surprise overage fees.

So whether you lose yourself wandering historic temples in Chiang Mai, sample street food carts in beachfront Krabi, or relax at an exotic resort in Koh Samui – stay connected with a convenient Bangkok eSIM.

Getting online abroad shouldn’t be a hassle. I hope these tips for picking the best eSIM for Bangkok make global travel less stressful. With an eSIM keeping you plugged in, you can focus on creating life-long memories across magical Thailand!