We design structural materials with extraordinary performance.

We develop fundamental understanding of the deformation and failure of structural materials.

We develop process-structure-property relationships for additive manufacturing processes.

We unravel tribological mechanisms across scales, from nano to micro to macro.


About Us

We develop fundamental understanding of the processes of deformation and mechanical failure of structural materials and study the connections between these processes and their underlying physical mechanisms. We also develop processing windows for a variety of additive manufacturing and solid phase processes. We advance the in-depth understanding of the relationship between the processing, the structure and the properties of structural materials and design novel materials with extraordinary performance.

In the spotlight

In his interview with MIT News office, Mostafa explains what happens when tiny particles traveling at high speeds impact materials. High speed particles can bounce away, stick, or knock material off the surface and weaken it. New fundings can help us design erosion-resistant materials and develop more efficient coating and cutting processes.


There are currently several openings for MSc and PhD students with interests in mechanical behavior of materials, structural materials, and additive manufacturing. Postdoctoral Fellows, Visiting Researchers and Professors with relevant research interests and their own funding are always welcome to spend time in our Lab at Cornell.