Assistant Professor, ECE Department, Cornell University (Spring 2023)
Advanced High‑Speed and RF Integrated Circuits (ECE 5790)
- Taught two weekly lectures on RFIC systems and circuit design topics. The circuits include: LNA, PA, Mixers, VCO, and PLL.
- Held weekly office hours and interactive discussions (21 enrolled students).
- Designed and graded problem sets (∼ 5 per course), midterm and final exam.
Teaching Assistant, EECS Department, MIT (Fall2020-Spring 2021)
High-Speed Communication Circuits graduate class (MIT 6.776)
- Held weekly online office hours (~ 6 students) and ran tutorials on Cadence simulation tools.
- Prepared the solution sets and grading of four problem sets and two quizzes during the semester.
Seminar in Undergraduate Advanced Research (MIT 6.UAR)
- Instructed and mentored undergraduate research students (Super-UROP) on communication and technical aspects.
Teaching & Learning Laboratory, MIT (Fall2020)
Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program
- Completed a teaching certificate program based on eight workshops aimed at development of teaching skills. The program included exposure to relevant research in teaching and learning, and structuring of future teaching.
- Presented two short teaching sessions which were videotaped, and from which I received feedback on my teaching performance and gave feedback to other participants.
Teaching Assistant, ECE Department, Ain Shams University (Fall2012-Spring 2016)
Taught 5 undergraduate courses over 8 semesters
- Held weekly recitations and tutorials for classes ranging from 1 to 3 sections, each has ~ 20 – 35 students.
- Designed and graded problem sets (~ 6 per course), quizzes (~ 2 per course), and class projects (~ 3 per course).
- Delivered several tutorials on simulation tools such as Ansys HFSS, and Matlab.
- Electromagnetic waves (ECE361, Fall 2012 ‑ Fall 2015)
- Microwave circuits (ECE362, Spring 2013, 2015, and 2016)
- Electrostatics and Magnetism (ECE161, Spring 2015)
- Antenna theory and design (ECE461, Spring 2014)
- Electronic circuits (ECE131, Spring 2014)
Taught 5 undergraduate lab courses related to microwave circuits, antenna measurements, and electronic circuits
- Explained the theory and guided the students (groups of ∼ 4) through the experiments.
- Participated in a team in 2014 to design a completely new electronic circuits lab course and manual, including ten experiments.