Join us at the Integrated Quantum-Classical Micro-Systems (IQCs) Lab!
We strive to make our group a culturally and technically diverse community. Groups, as such, generate extraordinary solutions that shape our future world. Diversity also plays an important role in ensuring the success of our research since our research is multidisciplinary. We work at the intersection of integrated electronics, electromagnetics, and quantum engineering. Therefore, we don’t expect you to be an expert in these areas. We’ll learn and have fun together. We’re looking for self-motivated, independent researchers who are curious to expand their boundaries, take risks, and work on advanced integrated microsystems. Technically speaking, we’re looking for candidates with experience/interest in any of the following topics. These are just examples. If you’re interested in our research and don’t find your main research interest above, please don’t hesistate to contact us. We’re always looking to expand our expertiese.
- Analog/Mixed-Signal Circuit Design
- RF/mmwave/THz Circuit Design
- Antenna Design
- Digital/VLSI Circuit Design
- Integrated Photonics
- Opto-Electronics
- Nanofabrication
- MEMS Design
- Spectroscopy
- Quantum Sensing
- Quantum Information Processing
For Ph.D. Students:
If you are interested in joining our group, the best way to apply for Cornell ECE Ph.D. Program. I will consider all full applications in January-February. Please feel free to reach out to Mohamed I. Ibrahim through email. However, please note that Mohamed receives many emails daily, and he might be unable to respond promptly. Please consider the suggestions below that could be helpful to be added to your email.
For Undergraduate/M.Eng Students:
We typically have a few short-term projects for undergraduate and M.Eng. researchers. For a full rewarding expereince, we plan to cover the full design cycle in any of our learning experiences. This starts by project definition and literature study, then circuit and layout design, then measurements after fabrication. This cycle is at least a year, so please plan to contact Mohamed I. Ibrahim as early as possible, if you’re interested.
For Visiting Students:
We always welcome visiting students with their own funding (especially from the U.S.) to spend time in our research group. Please contact Mohamed I. Ibrahim to arrange your visit.
Information to Include in Your Email:
- A brief introduction about yourself summarizing the following:
- Your education and research experience
- Any tapeout, fabrication and measurement experience
- Any experience with computer-aided design (CAD) tools. For example, Cadence (Virtuoso, Genus, Innovus, etc.), Ansys (HFSS, Lumerical), COMSOL Multiphysics, and Keysight Advanced Design System (ADS)
- Links to media summarizing any of your existing projects (e.g., your website, GitHub repository, short presentations, or project videos)
- Why are you interested in our group’s research
- 1-2 pages resume (please highlight any experience you may have that is relevant to our group activities).
For Postdoctoral Associates:
- mm-wave/THz IC Design
- AMS IC Design
- Integrated Silicon Photonics Systems
- Quantum Sensing and Computing
- Nanofabrication and Microfluidics