Integrated Quantum-Classical Micro-Systems (IQCs) Lab

Combining Integrated Electronics, Electromagnetics, and Quantum Engineering

Assistant Professor, ECE Department, Cornell University (Spring 2023)

Advanced High‑Speed and RF Integrated Circuits (ECE 5790)

  • Taught two weekly lectures on RFIC systems and circuit design topics. The circuits include: LNA, PA, Mixers, VCO, and PLL.
  • Held weekly office hours and interactive discussions (21 enrolled students).
  • Designed and graded problem sets ( 5 per course), midterm and final exam.

Teaching Assistant, EECS Department, MIT (Fall2020-Spring 2021)

High-Speed Communication Circuits graduate class (MIT 6.776)

  • Held weekly online office hours (~ 6 students) and ran tutorials on Cadence simulation tools.
  • Prepared the solution sets and grading of four problem sets and two quizzes during the semester.

Seminar in Undergraduate Advanced Research (MIT 6.UAR)

  • Instructed and mentored undergraduate research students (Super-UROP) on communication and technical aspects.

Teaching & Learning Laboratory, MIT (Fall2020)

Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program

  • Completed a teaching certificate program based on eight workshops aimed at development of teaching skills. The program included exposure to relevant research in teaching and learning, and structuring of future teaching.
  • Presented two short teaching sessions which were videotaped, and from which I received feedback on my teaching performance and gave feedback to other participants.

Teaching Assistant, ECE Department, Ain Shams University (Fall2012-Spring 2016)

Taught 5 undergraduate courses over 8 semesters

  • Held weekly recitations and tutorials for classes ranging from 1 to 3 sections, each has ~ 20 – 35 students.
  • Designed and graded problem sets (~ 6 per course), quizzes (~ 2 per course), and class projects (~ 3 per course).
  • Delivered several tutorials on simulation tools such as Ansys HFSS, and Matlab.
    1. Electromagnetic waves (ECE361, Fall 2012 ‑ Fall 2015)
    2. Microwave circuits (ECE362, Spring 2013, 2015, and 2016)
    3. Electrostatics and Magnetism (ECE161, Spring 2015)
    4. Antenna theory and design (ECE461, Spring 2014)
    5. Electronic circuits (ECE131, Spring 2014)

      Taught 5 undergraduate lab courses related to microwave circuits, antenna measurements, and electronic circuits

      • Explained the theory and guided the students (groups of ∼ 4) through the experiments.
      • Participated in a team in 2014 to design a completely new electronic circuits lab course and manual, including ten experiments.