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Cornell University

Time-Saving Tips from 7 Experts: Get Started on the Keto Diet and Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Fast

The keto diet has been around for decades, but the high-fat, low-carb plan is finally becoming more mainstream. That’s thanks to celebrities like Kim Kardashian West and Halle Berry who have used it to lose weight and keep it off, plus a new crop of medical experts touting its benefits. The main goal of keto is to keep your body in a state of “ketosis” – where it burns fat instead of carbohydrates for energy – by cutting out unhealthy carbs like breads, pastas, crackers and desserts while increasing healthy fats like avocado oil and olive oil. And while there are plenty of foods you can eat on keto (like avocados), there are also plenty that you shouldn’t eat (like breads).

Keep yourself accountable.

The most effective way to stay on track is by keeping yourself accountable. Whether it’s with friends and family or just the internet, tell everyone about your goals and how excited you are to achieve them! You can also set small goals for yourself along the way–like drinking more water or walking more often–and celebrate when they’re achieved.

If you want to take it up a notch, consider using an app like MyFitnessPal or LoseIt!. These apps allow users to track their daily caloric intake as well as workouts in order for users to see where they can improve their diet and fitness levels respectively

Time-Saving Tips from 7 Experts: Get Started on the Keto Diet and Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Fast
Time-Saving Tips from 7 Experts: Get Started on the Keto Diet and Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Fast

Set a goal and make it public.

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, moderate protein, low-carbohydrate diet that helps you lose weight by burning fat. It’s called “keto” because your body produces ketones in the process of turning fat into energy.

The keto diet is a low-carb plan that encourages eating more protein and healthy fats than typical Western diets. It also includes significant health benefits like weight loss, better sleep and increased energy levels. But it’s not for everyone — here are seven tips to help you get started on the Keto diet and reach your weight loss goals fast:

Set a goal and make it public. If you want to succeed on any diet, you need to set a goal. Make sure it’s specific, measurable and time-bound — “lose 20 pounds in six months” rather than just “lose weight.” For example, if you’re trying to lose 10 pounds in two months’ time, create a specific plan to cut calories by 500 per day over that period of time (see below). Then share this plan with friends or family members who can hold you accountable when you fall off track occasionally — they’ll know what they need to do when they see or hear from you!

Unsubscribe from non-essential emails.

The first step to getting started on the keto diet is to unsubscribe from any non-essential emails.

This might seem like a small thing, but it’s actually a great way to clear clutter from your inbox so that you can focus on the important things. The next time you’re checking your email, take a minute or two and make a list of all the emails that have been clogging up your inbox over time. Then delete them or move them into folders in case there are some messages that need saving (like receipts).

Prioritize what matters most to you.

Prioritize what matters most to you. Prioritize what matters most to you. If you’re new to keto, it may seem like there’s an endless list of foods that are off-limits. But once you understand the basics of eating on a low-carb diet, it will be easier for you to make better choices when grocery shopping or cooking at home.

Eat more fat sources than protein sources. While this seems counterintuitive at first, it’s essential for weight loss because protein is more filling than fat and carbs combined. A recent study found that people who ate more protein lost less weight than those who ate equal amounts of carbs and fats instead — even though both groups consumed the same number of calories each day!

Stop trying to be perfect.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is being too hard on themselves. The truth is, there’s no such thing as “perfection” when it comes to dieting. If you slip up and eat something that isn’t keto-friendly or go over your macros for the day, don’t beat yourself up about it! Remember: You are doing your best and trying your hardest–that alone should be enough motivation for you to keep going forward with this new lifestyle change.

You should also try not worry too much about what other people think about your choices or behavior. As long as you’re being honest with yourself (and only yourself) about why you’re making these changes in order to improve both physically and mentally then nothing else matters! There will always be haters out there but at least now we have an answer for them: They just don’t know how good we feel after eating clean foods all day long 😉

Don’t feel guilty — just start over again tomorrow.

If you have a slipup and eat something not on your diet, don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s not the end of the world! You’re human, and we all make mistakes sometimes. The best thing to do when this happens is learn from your mistake so that next time around (and there will be a next time) you know how to avoid making similar ones in the future. If there was one thing that helped me stay on track with my diet during these last two weeks, it was knowing that I didn’t have any more slips planned for this month or even this year!

Delete social media apps from your phone.

You can still use social media without the app. If you’re a Facebook, Instagram or Twitter user, delete the apps from your phone and use the browser version instead. This way you’ll be able to keep an eye on what’s going on with friends and family without being distracted by notifications and other temptations to waste time looking at pictures of food or reading about someone else’s life.

If deleting social media apps isn’t enough for you (or if it seems like too much effort), consider using them as rewards for reaching weight loss goals instead of being used as distractions from achieving those goals in the first place!

This can help you succeed on the keto diet, even if you’re busy!

In order to succeed on the keto diet, you need to be able to prioritize your time. You also need to know what is important to you and why. Once you’ve figured out those things, it’s time for action!

You might think that focusing on just one goal at a time isn’t possible in today’s busy world. But here’s some good news: It can be done! In fact, many people have found success by committing themselves wholeheartedly to their goals instead of trying half-heartedly (or worse–not at all). This kind of commitment requires focus–and there are ways for everyone who wants it bad enough!


The keto diet is a great way to lose weight and feel healthier. But if you’re busy, it can be hard to stick with this lifestyle change. The good news is that these time-saving tips will help you get started on the keto diet and reach your weight loss goals fast!

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