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Chrissy Metz loses 100 pounds: ‘This is Us’ star shares her weight loss journey

In the third season of “This Is Us,” you’ll see Chrissy Metz’s character Kate Pearson shed some serious pounds.

“She starts out looking like she’s going to be a plus-size model,” Metz told reporters on Thursday at the Television Critics Association winter press tour, adding that “the journey” of this weight loss is something she’s very proud of.

“It wasn’t easy for me,” she confessed about losing 100 pounds after filming season one. She started off at 230 pounds and ended up around 149 pounds by the time season two wrapped up in 2018; however, it wouldn’t have been possible without her trainer Amanda Freund…

weight loss
weight loss

Chrissy Metz wants you to know that losing 100 pounds was not an easy feat.

In a recent interview with People, the This Is Us star revealed that she started out at 230 pounds and has since shed 100 pounds. “It’s been hard,” she said. “I’ve had to cut out sugar and carbs from my diet.”

The “This Is Us” star has been open about her weight loss journey since the beginning, but on Wednesday she shared some very personal details about her struggle with body image and dieting.

She revealed that she tried different diets but still struggled with binge eating. She also said that she had a hard time finding clothes that fit her properly.

“I would clean my closet out and throw away everything that didn’t fit me. But then I would go buy new clothes because I thought ‘Oh, this will work,'” she said in an interview with The Cut’s editor-in-chief, Stella Bugbee, who also lost 100 pounds (45 kilograms). “And then it didn’t work.”

In October 2016, Metz told People magazine that she had lost 50 pounds (23 kilograms), but at the time she was still struggling with binge eating and depression over her weight gain in college.

Metz said she’s been working with a therapist who helped her realize that food wasn’t the enemy but rather a coping mechanism for dealing with stress. He also helped her learn how to make healthier choices when it comes to food and exercise.

She added that exercise plays a big role in her weight loss journey as well: “I work out five days a week–running, biking, swimming–and I feel like it keeps me grounded,” Chrissy said. “You have to be determined.”

“It’s been a hell of a journey,” she told reporters on Thursday at the Television Critics Association winter press tour.

“It’s been a hell of a journey,” she said at the Television Critics Association winter press tour in Pasadena, California. “I’m excited about it because I feel like this is the first time I’ve ever been happy with myself.”

Metz gained fame for playing Kate Pearson on the NBC drama, which follows the lives of three siblings from different eras in their family history. She said she struggled with body image issues after gaining weight for the role and had issues with food addiction.”I was very unhappy,” she explained to The Hollywood Reporter.”I had an unhealthy relationship with food, an unhealthy relationship with exercise and an unhealthy relationship with myself.”

Metz said she lost the weight by following a strict diet plan that limited her calorie intake to between 1,600 and 1,800 calories per day.”It was really hard,” she admitted. “There were days where I would go into work crying because I missed cupcakes or ice cream or pizza — all those things that we all love!”

The actress said that while she lost weight slowly in the beginning, things got harder as she approached her goal weight. “It became more difficult to lose weight as I got closer to my goal,” she explained. “I had to work harder and harder each day.”

The 37-year-old actress, who plays Kate Pearson on NBC’s hit drama “This Is Us,” lost the weight after filming season one.

Metz, 37, revealed to People that she lost the weight after filming season one of “This Is Us” and ended up around 149 pounds by the time season two wrapped up.

The actress said that she cut out sugar and carbs from her diet–even if it meant staying away from some of her favorite foods like pizza.

“I’m a huge foodie,” Metz told People. “But I had to say goodbye to all my favorite things: pasta, breads and chocolate were out.”

“I think it’s just about getting back to basics,” Metz said of her weight loss journey. “It’s about listening to your body and not going too far away from what makes you feel good.”

“I’m still going to eat carbs, but I’m going to try and stay away from processed foods as much as possible,” she added. “I want my body to be healthy so I can live a long life and be here for my kids.”

She started off at 230 pounds and ended up around 149 pounds by the time season two wrapped up.

You might be thinking, how did she lose all that weight? Well, it wasn’t easy. Chrissy shared with Yahoo! Lifestyle that she started at 230 pounds and ended up around 149 pounds by the time season two wrapped up.

She revealed that her biggest obstacle was her busy schedule, which often involved long days on set followed by late nights of filming in Los Angeles–and then heading back home to New York City at night to spend time with family and friends. In fact, she worked out so much during this period of her life that she had trouble sleeping because her body was so exhausted from working out so hard every day!

Her weight loss journey started with a simple goal: “I just wanted to feel good about myself again,” she said.

  • Weight loss is a personal journey.
  • It’s not just about the number on the scale.
  • It’s about feeling good about yourself and being healthy.

To accomplish this, she cut out sugar and carbs from her diet, even if it meant staying away from some of her favorite foods.

  • Cut out sugar and carbs.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink more water.
  • Try to eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, which can help you lose weight by keeping you full longer so that you don’t feel the need to snack on unhealthy foods between meals, according to the Mayo Clinic’s website. In addition, if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important that the fruits and veggies are high in fiber because they take longer to digest than processed carbohydrates like breads or pastas–which means they’ll fill up your stomach faster so there’s less room for other things like sweets!

“I stopped eating bread…and pizza is not in my life anymore!” she said laughing while discussing what she’s been eating after losing weight.

“I stopped eating bread…and pizza is not in my life anymore!” she said laughing while discussing what she’s been eating after losing weight.

She also admitted that she has her cheat days, but they’re more like “cheat hours.” She’ll have a slice of pizza on those days and then get right back to her diet the next day.

“I’ve been doing Pilates for four years now,” Metz said about how her exercise routine has helped her lose weight. “I work out every day; I do cardio three or four times a week and then Pilates four times a week.”

Losing weight took hard work and determination, but it wouldn’t have been possible without her trainer Amanda Freund, who encouraged her throughout the process.

Losing weight is not easy. It takes hard work, dedication, and determination. If you want to lose weight, you need a support system that will help keep you motivated and inspired throughout the process. You also need to be realistic about what can be achieved in a certain amount of time–if it takes longer than expected for someone else who has taken on the same challenge before them then there’s nothing wrong with taking longer yourself as well! Finally: stay motivated!

Exercise and a healthy diet help people lose weight!

If you want to lose weight, exercise and a healthy diet are key!

It takes hard work and dedication to lose weight but it can be done. The first step is finding an exercise routine that works for you. Don’t be afraid of trying new things! Swimming might be fun or running could give your legs more strength. If dancing sounds like fun then go for it! You don’t have to do the same thing every day either; try mixing up different activities throughout the week so it doesn’t get too boring or monotonous (and also because variety is good).

Another way people lose weight is by eating less food each day than they normally would eat in one sitting; this helps them feel full without having eaten too much at once which could make them feel sick afterwards due to overeating earlier on during mealtime instead of just eating what’s already been prepared beforehand.”


Chrissy Metz has been a role model for many people who want to lose weight and get in shape. She’s shown us that it’s possible with hard work and determination, but also that she didn’t do this overnight–it took years! If you’re looking to lose some weight yourself, try following Chrissy’s example by cutting out sugar and carbs from your diet as well as incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine.

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