Equipment in PI’s lab
Our lab is housed in CAT 471, CAT 469, and parts of CAT 362. We have equipment needed for electrode (nano)material fabrication; structural, chemical, spectroscopic & electrochemical characterization, in-operando spectroscopy and assembly & testing of supercapacitors and batteries at coin cell and pouch cell level.
Complete List of Equipment
We have all required facilities to fabricate materials, conduct structural, chemical, spectroscopic and electrochemical characterization, in-operando spectroscopy and assemble and test batteries (coin/pouch cells). Our lab locations include CAT 471, CAT 469 and parts of shared lab CAT 362. Here is a list of equipment in our lab:
Glove Boxes
3 X MBraun LabStar (housed with coin cell and pouch cell assembling equipment)
Electrode Preparation and Coin/Pouch Cell Assembly
3 in 1 Heat Pouch Sealer
4000 Watts Ultra sonic tab welder
Doctor Blade/Applicator
Ohaus Precision Balance x 2
Ultrasonicators x 2
Carver Heat Press
MTI Automatic Film Coater MSK-AFA-II
MTI Automatic Desktop Grinder MSK-SFM-8
MTI 6 Position Compact SILAR Coating System
Planetary Ball mill (800 rpm)
Electrode Preparation and Coin/Pouch Cell Assembly Not Pictured:
- Hot Rolling machine (4”)
- High Speed Homogenizer
- FlackTek SpeedMixer DAC 330-100 SE
- MTI Vacuum Mixer (MSK-SFM-7)
- MTI Coin cell Crimper/De-crimper
Ovens and Furnaces
MTI Horizontal Tube Furnace (1000 / 1400)
Nabertherm Tube Furnace (RSH 170/1300)
Vacuum Ovens x 3
Convection Oven
Ovens and Furnaces Not Pictured:
- Thermolyn Tube Furnace
- Incubator
- Microwave Oven
Electrochemical Testing
Environmental Chamber (Tenney) with high temperature/humidity control ranging
from 25-200oC and 5-95%RH and integrated with vapor permeation and EIS
Gamry EQCM
Ossila Four-point Probe
Bio-logic Potentiostat/ Galvanostat (12 Channels with two 10 Amp boosters) Biologic – EIS (4 Channels)
3 X Gamry Interface 1000 (Potentiostat/Galvanostat with EIS capability)
Gamry Reference 3000 (Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA with EIS capability)
Pine Instruments (RDE)
Electrochemical Testing Equipment Not Pcitured
- Neware BTS 4000 (40 Channels; max current 6A)
- Neware BTS 4000 (8 Channels; max current 12 A)
- Maccor 4000 (32 Channels; max current 1 Amp)
- Neware BTS 4000 (72 Channels; max current 10 mA)
- Neware BTS 4000 (64 channels; max current 50 mA)
ThermoScientific – ATR FTIR (In-situ/in-operando cell compatible)
Elmarco NS Lab Equipment
4 X In-house electrospinning – New Era 1000 X 8; Syringe Pump New Era Dual; Syringe Pump; Gamma-High Voltage (30 kV)
Drexel’s Materials Characterization Core (MCC)
Additionally, we have access to all equipment in MCC. Partial list of available shared facilities at MCC at Drexel. Full time staff is available to assist in characterization and training as necessary.
- Scanning Electron Microscope (Zeiss Supra 50VP) with Oxford Energy-Dispersive X-ray instrument
- Environmental SEM (FEI XL30) with EDAX Energy-Dispersive X-ray Microanalysis and TSL Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (crystallography)
- 200 keV TEM/STEM (JEOL JEM2100) equipped with EDS detector for chemical analysis, bright-field STEM detector and imaging system
- Leica EM UC6 Cryo-ultramicrotome for TEM sample preparation
- FTIR Spectrometer with Microscope (Varian Excalibur FTS-3000)
- X-Ray Powder Diffractometer (XRD) (Siemens D500)
- Multiple Angle X-ray Scattering Facility equipped with a rotating anode x-ray generator and a two-dimensional detector
- X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope (XPS)
Other Equipment/Facilities
PI has access to the following equipment at Drexel. Most of these are housed in the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at Drexel University
- Micromeritics Nitrogen / Krypton Surface Analyzer (BET)
- Fuel Cell Test Station
- Gas Permeation Analyzer
- UV-Vis Absorption Spectrophotometer
- Fluorescence Spectrometer
A machine shop, electronics shop, and glass shop are available on the Drexel campus and are fully staffed.