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I am a third-year PhD student in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at Cornell University. I’m a member of the Cornell Statistical Signal Processing Laboratory and am grateful to be advised by Professor Vikram Krishnamurthy. In May 2021 I graduated from Clemson University with a B.S. in electrical engineering and a minor in mathematics.

My research interests broadly include statistical signal processing, stochastic optimization, inverse reinforcement learning, game theory and network science.

Specifically, my research interests are in:

Social Sensing: We address the interface between human decision making and signal processing, sensing and control strategies. I’ve studied several human-sensor interface frameworks utilizing a ‘quantum decision’ model, which exploits the structure of quantum probability to generalize traditional decision-making models.

Multi-agent Intelligent Systems: We are interested in detecting agent coordination (or “collective rationality”) from incomplete or noisy group observations. This can be accomplished using tools from microeconomic Revealed Preference Theory, and can find application in e.g., detecting and predicting adversarial group strategies or detecting multi-objective optimizing cognitive radar.

MCMC and Adaptive Inverse Learning: We are generally interested in algorithmic techniques for accomplishing adaptive inverse reinforcement learning, i.e., given sequential argument evaluations from a forward learning agent, can we reconstruct the cost function being optimized (in real-time)? We have developed and analyzed a passive stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics algorithm, which acts as a Markov chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) sampler to reconstruct this cost function.

Cornell Coursework

    • MATH 6230: Differential Games and Optimal Control
    • MATH 6160: Partial Differential Equations
    • MATH 7740: Statistical Learning Theory
    • ECE 5412: Bayesian Estimation and Stochastic Optimization
    • MATH 7710: Limits of Discrete Random Structures
    • MATH 6710: Probability Theory I
    • ECE 5330: Quantum Physics and Engineering
    • ORIE 6500: Applied Stochastic Processes

Professional Experience


  • 2021: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship recipient
  • 2021: Clemson University ‘W.M. Riggs Award’ for the most outstanding senior in electrical engineering


  • Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Cornell University (2021 – present)
  • B.S. Electrical Engineering, Clemson University (2021)
    • Minor, Mathematics
    • Summa Cum Laude & Departmental Honors
