[Table showing the elements of appropriation — users, artifacts, imaginaries — in their respective vectors (appropriation, re-appropriation, reverse-appropriation)]{This is a 3×3 matrix table, with nine cells in total. The first row has `users’; the second row, `artifacts’; and the third row, `imaginaries.’ The first column represents `appropriation’; the second, `re-appropriation” and third, `reverse-appropriation.’ In the first cell (top left) is dark green text that is underscored by the concept of consumption. The users in that cell include telcos, governments, and development actors. This is the only cell color-coded dark green. The rest of the cells in the first row are navy blue, a color that underscores `production.’ All elements of the second row are dark red, a color that underscores `accomplishment.’ All elements of the third row are navy blue. The analytical substrate — i.e., production <-> accomplishment <-> consumption — is only a color-coded legend (vertically aligned at the left-hand side), explained in this table’s caption.}

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