
Professor Vikram Krishnamurthy

Personal Website

Vikram is currently a professor in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at Cornell University. He is also a graduate field faculty member in the Center for Applied Mathematics and the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department at Cornell.

He received his Ph.D. from the Australian National University in 1992 and was a faculty member at the University of Melbourne from 1994 to 2002. He then moved to the University of British Columbia, where he remained until 2016, and where he held the Canada Research Chair Professorship in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has been at Cornell since 2016.

Vikram is a Fellow of IEEE. He has served as a distinguished lecturer for the IEEE Signal Processing Society and Editor in Chief of IEEE Journal Selected Topics in Signal Processing. He served as technical chair of ICASSP 2013 and chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Theory and Methods Technical Committee. In 2013 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from KTH, Sweden (Royal Institute of Technnology). He is the author of the books Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes and Dynamics of Engineered Artificial Membranes and Biosensors, published by Cambridge University Press in 2016 and 2018, respectively.

Broadly, his research interests are in statistical signal processing, stochastic control, stochastic optimization and inverse reinforcement learning. Within our group, these areas tend to find application in social networks, human decision making, and adaptive sensing.


PhD Students



Shashwat Jain

Personal Webpage

Shashwat is a third-year PhD student in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at Cornell. On May 2021 he graduated with a Dual Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering with a specialization in Radio Frequency and Microwave Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.

His research interests include information asymmetry, revealed preference and random matrix theory.

He is a DAAD scholar with professional research experience in Saarland University and U.S. Airforce Research Lab.




Luke Snow

Personal Webpage

Luke is a third-year PhD student in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at Cornell, where he is grateful to be supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. In May 2021 he graduated Summa Cum Laude from Clemson University with a B.S. in electrical engineering and a minor in mathematics, and was awarded the W.M. Riggs Award for the ‘most outstanding senior in electrical engineering’.

His research interests include ‘social sensing’ systems (interface between human decision making and signal processing, sensing and control strategies) and multi-agent intelligent systems (especially inverse problems such as detecting collective rationality or decentralized coordination).

He has professional research experience in radar and intelligent systems analysis through internships with Dynetics, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.


aditAdit Jain 
Adit is a second-year PhD student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Cornell, where he is under a Data Science Fellowship by Cornell Center for Social Sciences. He graduated from IIT Guwahati with a major in ECE and a minor in CS.
His research interests are covert optimization, game-theoretic learning and bandit algorithms. His application interests are federated learning and Bayesian neural networks. He loves using stochastic approximation algorithms at every chance.


Kunal Pattanayak (Google Scholar) (2023, Cornell)

Personal Webpage

Kunal (S’21) received the integrated Bachelors and Masters in Technology degrees in Electronics and Electrical Communication  Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in 2018. He is currently a risk strategist with Goldman Sachs. His primary research interests lie in:
(i) Inverse reinforcement learning,
(ii) Information economics,
(iii) Counter-adversarial algorithm design for radar systems,
(iv) Interpretable AI.

Kunal is a recipient of the McMullen graduate fellowship from Cornell University, and has been a speaker at the 2020 Sloan-NOMIS Conference on Attention and Applied Economics for his work on modeling and predicting YouTube commenting behavior using rational inattention-based behavior models.



Rui Luo (2023, Cornell)

Personal Webpage

Rui Luo received the B.Eng. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2019. He is an Assistant Professor at the City University of Hong Kong, China.

He is recieved his Ph.D. degree with the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.

His research interests include network science, complex systems, and blockchain innovations.





Buddhika Nettasinghe (2021, Cornell)

  • Thesis: Statistical Modeling and Inference in Social Networks
  • Position: Assistant Professor, U Iowa, Tippie College of Business

Sujay Bhatt (2019, Cornell)

Tanzil Shahrear (2018, UBC)

Anup Aprem (2017, UBC)

Mohammad Ghasemi (2016, UBC)

Maziyar Hamdi (2015, UBC)

William Hoiles (2015, UBC)

  • Thesis: Biosensing and Electrophysiological Response
  • Position: Principal AI Scientist, Katerra, Toronto

Mustafa Fanswala (2015, UBC)

  • Thesis: Meta-level Pattern Analysis for Target Tracking
  • Position: Senior Computer Vision Scientist, Autonomous Vehicles, NVIDIA

Omid Namvar (2015, UBC)

  • Thesis: Stochastic Approximation Methods for Decision Making in Non-stationary Uncertain Environments
  • Position: Quantitative Finance,  CPP Investment Board, Toronto

Maryam Abolfath-Beygi (2013, UBC)

  • Thesis: Biosensor Arrays for Molecular Source Identification in Mass-Transport Systems
  • Position: Data Scientist, Nike, Portland.

Kevin Topley (2012, UBC)

Jane Huang (2011, UBC)

  • Thesis: Application of Game Theory in Wireless Communication Networks
  • Position: Senior Engineer in Machine Learning, Google

Alex Wang (2009, UBC)

Farhad Ghassemi (2009, UBC)

Hassan Mansour (2009, UBC)

Laxminarayana Pillutla (2008, UBC)

Michael Maskery (2007, UBC)

Minh Ngo (2007, UBC)

Arsalan Farrokh (2007, UBC)

Sam McLaughlin (2006, UBC)

  • Thesis: Data Incest in Decentralized Estimation Systems
  • Position: Research Engineer ADI Thales Limited, France

S. Singh (2003, UBC)

  • Thesis: Optimization Issues in DS/CDMA Wireless Networks
  • Position: Associate Professor, Cambridge Univ

Leigh Johnston (2000, U Melbourne)

  • Thesis: Iterative Algorithms for Estimation of Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamical Systems
  • Position: Professor, University of Melbourne.

Jamie Evans (1998, U Melbourne)

  • Thesis: Studies in Nonlinear Filtering Theory – Random Parameter Linear Systems, Target Tracking and Communication Constrained Estimation
  • Position: Professor and vice-Dean, University of Melbourne

Jonathan Manton (1998, U Melbourne)

  • Thesis: Optimal Estimation and Identification of Linear Systems — Stochastic and Algebraic Approaches
  • Position: Future Generation Professor, University of Melbourne

Andrew Logothetis (1998, U Melbourne)

  • Thesis: EM Algorithms for State and Parameter Estimation
  • Position: Chief Engineer, Airspan, U.K

Kenneth Tan (1997, U Melbourne)

  • Thesis: Nonlinear Signal Processing Techniques based on the EM algorithm