I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a field member in Applied Mathematics, Systems Engineering and Computer Science. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) at MIT hosted by Prof. Asuman Ozdaglar. I received my BS and MS degrees from the University of Padua, Italy, and my PhD degree in control engineering from ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. John Lygeros in 2016.
My current research focuses on the identification, analysis and control of multi-agent systems composed by a large number of users that make autonomous and selfish decisions while interacting with each other, with application to transportation, financial and social networks. To this end, I apply tools from optimization, control, network and game theory.
Research Interests:
- Network, Control and Game Theory: Theory and Algorithms,
- Social and Economic Networks: Learning, Information Dynamics, Contagion Models,
- Network Economics: Pricing and Resource Allocation, Targeted Interventions,
- Systems Biology: Biochemical Reaction Networks, Inference and Control
Office: Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, Room 321
Email: fp264 {at} cornell.edu