Undergraduate Scholarships & Graduate Fellowships in STEM

Undergraduate Scholarships & Graduate Fellowships in STEM | PathwaysToScience.org

Deadlines for many undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships are rapidly approaching, and these fall deadlines often catch students off-guard.


Students can use our searchable online directory to find STEM funding opportunities.


Undergraduate Scholarships — 30+ opportunities from a variety of private and federal funders for students pursuing STEM


Graduate Funding for Masters Students — 40+ funding opportunities for Masters-level students in STEM


Graduate Funding for PhD Students — 40+ funding opportunities including funding from NSF, NASA, and NIH.


Finally, we also have some nice resources on how to build a strong application.


For any questions or concerns on how to use our online search to find funding opportunities, please contact: ldetrick@ibparticipation.org