Neurodiversity @ Cornell:
Support & engagement opportunities for students
Executive Function Community of Practice
For any student who self-id’s as having executive function issues. Focused on sharing strategies to support our executive function, creating connection and community.
Meets Wednesdays 4:00-5:00 pm, via Zoom.
Autism Social Group
For students who self-identify as autistic or have an autism diagnosis. Dedicated to social support & comradery.
Meets Thursdays, 4:00-5:30 pm, via Zoom
To receive relevant information, and reminders for events, please join the listservs:
- Send an email to executive-function-community-l- or to autism-social-group-l-
- On the subject line, type: “join”
- Don’t write anything on the body of the email
Neurodiversity Ambassadors
For students, faculty and staff.
Focused on activities and advocacy to enhance understanding about experiences and needs of the neurodivergent community @ Cornell and to advocate for inclusive Cornell experiences.
To join: Please email Florencia Ardon (fa227).
Workshops on Demand: Can be requested by groups, for any topic related to Neurodiversity
To request a workshop, please send an email to Sarah Bonawitz (sb2545), for topics related to accommodations and supports, or to Florencia Ardon (fa227), if related to learning strategies.
One-on-one support: Can be requested by individual students. Contacts:
- Sarah Bonawitz (sb2545) if you want to know more about working with Student Disability Services3
- Emily McClintock for psychological support & referrals (schedule through Cornell Health)
- Florencia Ardon (fa227) to discuss learning strategies (book an appointment).
Neurodiversity Dialogues: Monthly discussion forum based on research articles, videos & podcasts about neurodiversity. Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 3:00-4:00 pm, via Zoom. To join: Please email Flor (fa227) asking to be added to the meeting.
CANVAS site for students: Strength-focused information on neurodiversity. Self-enroll
General Neurodiversity Information:
Announcements listserv. To join,
- Send an email to neurodiversity-at-Cornell-l-
- On the subject line, type: “join”
- Don’t write anything on the body of the email More information about Neurodiversity @ Cornell