Neurodiversity Support and Engagement Opportunities!

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Neurodiversity @ Cornell:

Support & engagement opportunities for students


Executive Function Community of Practice

For any student who self-id’s as having executive function issues. Focused on sharing strategies to support our executive function, creating connection and community.

Meets Wednesdays 4:00-5:00 pm, via Zoom.


Autism Social Group

For students who self-identify as autistic or have an autism diagnosis. Dedicated to social support & comradery.

Meets Thursdays, 4:00-5:30 pm, via Zoom


To receive relevant information, and reminders for events, please join the listservs:



Neurodiversity Ambassadors

For students, faculty and staff.

Focused on activities and advocacy to enhance understanding about experiences and needs of the neurodivergent community @ Cornell and to advocate for inclusive Cornell experiences.

To join: Please email Florencia Ardon (fa227).



Workshops on Demand: Can be requested by groups, for any topic related to Neurodiversity

To request a workshop, please send an email to Sarah Bonawitz (sb2545), for topics related to accommodations and supports, or to Florencia Ardon (fa227), if related to learning strategies.

One-on-one support: Can be requested by individual students. Contacts:

  • Sarah Bonawitz (sb2545) if you want to know more about working with Student Disability Services3
  • Emily McClintock for psychological support & referrals (schedule through Cornell Health)
  • Florencia Ardon (fa227) to discuss learning strategies (book an appointment).

Neurodiversity Dialogues: Monthly discussion forum based on research articles, videos & podcasts about neurodiversity. Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 3:00-4:00 pm, via Zoom. To join: Please email Flor (fa227) asking to be added to the meeting.

CANVAS site for students: Strength-focused information on neurodiversity. Self-enroll


General Neurodiversity Information:

Announcements listserv. To join,


View the full pdf flyer here