LSC Scholarship for Summer Session Now Open

Planning to Take a Summer Class this Summer?

The Learning Strategies Center (LSC) Scholarship Program is now open and intended to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who:

  • are behind in credits for on-time graduation,
  • are behind on affiliation requirements, or
  • have been advised to moderate their course load.
  • See additional Guidelines via


  • Cornell grant aid eligible and follow all other financial aid eligibility requirements
  • In good standing in their college
  • Students must be nominated for the scholarship

Only a limited number of scholarships are available; therefore, first preference will be given to seniors who need the assistance to graduate.

Here are the steps to be considered for the LSC Scholarship:

  1. You must qualify for Cornell grant aid and follow all other financial aid requirements.
  2. Schedule a meeting with your Academic Advisor by March 31 to discuss the LSC Scholarship and obtain approval of course(s) you plan to take:
  3. ​​​​​​​Advisors will complete the Engineering Pre-LSC Summer Scholarship Nomination Form
  4. The College Nominator will review and submit the nominations to LSC.
  5. Students will receive a prompt from LSC to complete their section of their nomination.
  6. If students are approved, they will receive an email requesting acceptance of the award. Once accepted they will receive an acceptance letter.
    • Please check your SPAM/JUNK folder if you feel the process has been delayed.
  7. Students can then enroll and add their approved course(s) to Student Center .

LSC Scholarships are for Cornell courses only and cover the cost of tuition for regular session courses.

The LSC Scholarship is not granted for academic acceleration.