Undergraduate Student Atsu Kludze

Atsu Kludze in business formal attire

What is your full name? Atsu Kludze
Where is your hometown? Manassas, Virginia
What degree program (B.S., M.Eng, Ph.D.) are you pursuing at Cornell? B.S.
What year are you in with your degree program? Third Year
What is your major/field? Chemical Engineering
Do you have any siblings and if so, how many? Yes, I have 4 brothers
Do you have any pets and if so, what kinds and what are their names? I have none
What are some of your hobbies? Cards and Reading
What is your favorite color? Red
What is your favorite meal? Fried Plantain
Who is your favorite cartoon character and why? I do not have one
What is your favorite genre of music? I do not know
What is your favorite film? Rocky II
Who is one of your role models and why? My parents, because they always lived their lives with pride and optimism
When you were in middle school, what did you dream about doing when you grew up? To be honest, I did not think much of the future back then
Now that you are at Cornell, what is something you dream about doing in the future? Research and Development
What is the best thing about being a Cornell Engineer? The opportunities that available to those who look for them
Share some words of wisdom: Remember the lesson, not the failure