Program Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I am selected to participate in CU LSAMP REU? 

After accepting our offer of participation in CU LSAMP REU, participants will be sent an acceptance package. This package will contain detailed onboarding information for registering at Cornell through the School of Continuing Education, logistics pertinent to travel, housing, stipend, schedule, and more.

What will I do during the research program?

Experiences differ from participant to participant, but the main point is to provide a scientific research experience akin to what graduate study would entail in each participant’s field of interest. A participant might learn to use specialized equipment, reduce and analyze observational data, write software, design or build an instrument, construct a theoretical model, or create a prototype. Participants will present their work in a talk or poster at the end of the summer, and many participants continue on to give posters at conferences or publish papers on their summer research. In the fall semester after the CU LSAMP REU program, participants may be interested in continuing the research project at their home institution or continuing to work with their Cornell faculty research mentors on writing up and publishing the results.

In addition to performing research work, participants attend a series of workshops and brown bag lunches designed to provide them with information about research, graduate school preparation, career preparation and options, and scientific ethics. Weekly specialty discussions provide opportunities for students to engage in discussion with peers and faculty members. A presentation on writing abstracts and designing posters is held in preparation for the research symposium. Students also may participate in field trips to science facilities. A mandatory orientation session, team building activities and a faculty-mentor dinner acquaint the students with each other and their mentors.

Will I have any free time?

Yes, participants will be working and living closely with other undergrads from around the country, and the CU LSAMP REU will offer planned organized activities (and sometimes travel) for participants. Aside from that, participants usually have evenings and weekends free depending upon the type of research one is performing. Students also may participate in field trips to science facilities. Opportunities may arise for participants to also participate in daytrips to locations such as New York City and Niagara Falls. Social activities also provide opportunities for participants to get to know each other and other members of the Cornell science community.

Should I bring a car?

The option of bringing a car is up to the participant. CU LSAMP REU provides participants with either a parking pass or bus pass for the local TCAT system.

Who will my faculty research mentor and/or what research projects are available?

Applicants should review the research areas of potential Cornell Engineering faculty mentors by visiting their websites. We suggest identifying up to three (3) Cornell Engineering faculty members in the online application and personal statement whose research areas align with your interests. Although we strive to pair applicants with faculty identified in the application, this cannot be guaranteed.

LSAMP is partnering with the Center for Research on Programmable Plant Systems (CROPPS). We highly encourage students to learn more about CROPPS faculty and potential research projects.

Can I take a course during the summer session? 

No. Participants are expected to work about 40 hours per week on their research project. This experience should be viewed similarly to a work experience. Thus, in order to get the maximum benefit out of this research program, participants are not allowed to take courses.

Am I allowed to depart early from the program? 

Participants must commit to be present at Cornell University for the full term of the research program period. Participants should arrange all personal and academic obligations to adjust to this schedule.

What type of housing is available?

Participants are provided with on-campus housing in a double room on campus for the duration of the program. Participants are not required to live in University housing for the summer, but will not receive a subsidy for non-Cornell housing. We do not have housing available for married undergraduates or any other couples arrangements. To learn more about Cornell’s housing visit: Campus Life Housing.

Is my stipend taxable?

The remuneration you receive for your research experience is considered a “Stipend.” As such, Cornell will not report it to the Internal Revenue Service. Cornell may provide you with a summary statement of the stipend payments. This does not constitute tax advice. You will not receive a W-2 or 1099 form from Cornell University. You should consult with your tax advisors, parents and/or IRS form 520 at tax time to determine the extent to which your stipend is taxable. You will be responsible for determining how your stipend should be reported on your tax return.

Will I have health coverage or access to a student health center during CU LSAMP REU?

Cornell LSAMP REU students are registered for summer through the School of Continuing Education and charged a Cornell Health Fee ($145 in 2024). This fee will be refunded by LSAMP.

As registered students, you will be able to use Cornell Health’s medical services during the summer months, no matter what health insurance you have. Review information on summer health services and cost.

We encourage students to bring any health insurance documentation.

I don’t see the answer to my question! What should I do?

We’re happy to respond to any questions about the program that are not addressed here. Please email us or call to speak with a staff member. Office: (607) 254-5202 email: